Pollutec on November 27, 2024 Own Your SECAP has been selected as one of the 17 #LIFEProjects to be featured in Pollutec Paris 2024. Solenne FAVRE, from MT Partenaires Ingénierie, the French partner in the project, was present at the Life stand amongst other EU Projects. This event enabled to shed the light on our project and its outcomes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=0iC6eYXsvaDl-zaL&v=TU6snVwiW00&feature=youtu.be
Pollutec on November 27, 2024
Pollutec on November 27, 2024 Own Your SECAP has been selected as one of the 17 #LIFEProjects to be featured in Pollutec Paris 2024 Solenne FAVRE, from MT Partenaires Ingénierie, the French partner in the project, will be present on Wednesday, November 27. We warmly invite you to join us to learn more about the project and its accomplishments to date.
Video on the importance of SECAPs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka7pr9O_veQ&t=27s Video about the importance of SECAPs By implementing a SECAP, local governments aim to contribute to the EU’s goal of reducing emissions by at least 55% by 2030, aligning with broader climate targets. This video was created by the OwnYourSECAP LIFE CET project partners in order to present the project and the importance of implementing a SECAP.
Webinar for replications organisations
Presentations from the meeting Click on the titles below to open the presentations. 1. General information about Own Your Secap Project 2. Replication task and timetable for conducting the task 3. Learnings from systematic implementation of SECAPs 4. Examples of SECAP measures implemented Resources for the first webinar Click on the titles below to dowload the resources. 1. Template to invite municipalities to the first webinar 2. Presentation proposal for the first webinar
Fourth project meeting in Prague
4th project meeting and 2nd international peer to peer workshop @Prague, Czech Republic 18th-19th April 2024 The fourth meeting and the second international peer to peer workshop of the Own Your SECAP project took place in Prague, Czech Republic on the 18th and 19th of April 2024. On the 1st day, the local authorities shared their experiences and visited Prague Energy Center based in municipal Wastewater treatment facility. During this time, the partners reviewed the results of the project to date and the next steps to be taken to bring it to a successful conclusion. On the 2nd day, three highly instructive case studies were presented (City of Prague, Tipperary County Council, Ireland, and City of Bydgoszcz, Poland) then the local authorities took part in workshops. After working on the adaptation and implementation of an energy management system in Vienna, the topics addressed this time were the implementation of energy and climate measures and climate mainstreaming in municipal budgets Presentations from the meeting Click on the titles to open the presentations. Cascais-Smart-Pole in Portugal Located in the Municipality of Cascais, a leading municipality in the definition of a Municipal Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality, Cascais Smart Pole by Nova SBE lead the generation of change makers influencing people and all stakeholders on the path of innovation combined with carbon neutrality. The concept is based on a physical and a virtual space, providing people with a space for experimentation that aims to be a reference for the whole municipality and for other cities. The management of the living lab is a collaboration between private and public entities (Private and Public Partnership for PEOPLE). With a duration of 36 months, the project is being developed through interconnected activities. The ambition to achieve carbon neutrality with the contribution of all stakeholders is the driver of this living lab. For more informations :https://cascaissmartpole.pt/en Developing and Implementing SECAP Actions in Ireland Eddie Meegan from Tipperary County Council in Ireland has presented their SECAP. Tipperary County Council is the local authority for the county of Tipperary, Ireland. In 2022, the population of Tipperary was 167,661 people. Tipperary is located in Ireland’s province of Munster, and is a landlocked rural county that’s home to mountains, rivers, lakes and farmland. Towards climate neutrality and energy self sufficiency of the City of Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz is a city in Poland. Since 2016, Bydgoszcz has had an Energy Management Team, whose main activity has been the creation of a comprehensive Energy Management Base. Climate-maintreaming municipal budgets Michaël TOMA of MT Partenaires ingénierie presented the essential elements of mainstreaming climate budgets, from definition to the various possibilities: green public procurement, divesting municipal funds from fossil fuels, financing climate actions and environmental reporting and budgeting.
Project meeting in Prague
Meeting to prepare the project meeting in Prague The next European meeting of the OwnYourSECAP project will be held on 17 and 18 April in Prague. All 11 partners and representatives of the municipalities taking part in the project are expected to attend for two days of intense work. The programme includes site visits for municipalities, workshops and strategic meetings between partners to bring the project to a successful conclusion.
Third project meeting Online
Online 19th & 22th September The third project meeting was held this week online the 19th and 22th september! The meeting was an opportunity for the partners to present their progress on the various tasks involved in the project and the involvement of the various local authorities. We were joined by our CINEA project officer, who gave her views and suggestions on the project and its progress.
Second project meeting in Vienna
2nd project meeting and 1st international peer to peer workshop @Vienna, Austria 25th-26th April The second meeting of the Own Your SECAP project took place in Vienna, Austria on the 25th and 26th of April. During the first day, the partners held presentations on the progress of the different tasks of the project while the representatives of the project communities visited several sites around the theme of energy transition in the existant city, in the presence of an architect and lecturer at the University of Vienna. Indeed, by means of several exemplary buildings in the Geblergasse Vienna, he showed the potential of unrenovated buildings, both from an energy and a social perspective. Afterwards the so-called Smartblock Geblergasse (a project which received the State Award for Architecture and Sustainability) was visited to demonstrate how this potential of existing buildings can be used: in the course of a comprehensive base renovation, houses were extended, raised and completely renovated. The second day of the project meeting was shared with the representatives of the communities where several workshops were held, regarding climate mitigation and climate adaptation. In addition, some representatives of the municipalities presented their situation in terms of energy management, their SECAP, or the implementation of climate adaptation, among others. Presentations from the meeting Click on the titles to open the presentations. Abano Terme, Italy Sandra Zanellato from Abano Terme, Italy, presented their experience in sustainable planning. Abano Terme is the most important spa center in Europe, located in a position at the foot of the Euganean Hills in the Province of Padua,Veneto Region. The municipality since 2005 has been committed to the preservation and enhancement of the municipal territory through constant monitoring of its own activities (direct) and those of the territory (indirect). Since 2005 Abano Terme has been EMAS-certified, in 2015 it was equipped with a SEAP, in 2020 Abano Terme was certified ISO 50001, and in 2021 the City was equipped with its own SEAP. Lorient, France Lorient is a French town in the north-west of Brittany. With a population of over 57,000, Lorient has been committed to climate action since 2013, notably through the development of a Territorial Climate Air Energy Plan in conjunction with the Lorient Conurbation. As a logical extension of its climate action, the city of Lorient has committed to developing a SECAP through the European Compete4SECAP project, and will be introducing an energy management system in 2018. Lorqui, Spain The municipality of Lorquí is located in the heart of the Region of Murcia, on the right bank of the Segura River. The municipality covers an area of 15.8 km2, a territory with an abundance of orchards with fruit trees, as well as areas dedicated to the cultivation of vegetables. It has a total population of 7,246 inhabitants. MicroRegion TOLSTEJN, Czech Republic Michal SVOBODA, who holds a number of positions including Energy Manager of LAG Cesky sever and Chairman of City Council Energy Comittee at the Municipality of Varnsdorf, presented the joint SECAP of 7 small Czech municipalities. Saldus, Latvia The community of Saldus, located in Latvia, implemented an energy management system in 2018, which was certified in 2019. Its scope includes 110 municipal buildings, 3,000 public lightning and 170 municipal fleets. Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic Žďár nad Sázavou is a town in the Highlands with approximately 20 thousand inhabitants. Žďár nad Sázavou has an energy manager, an energy action plan (SECAP) and is gradually implementing energy management. The largest energy consumption in the town is made up of heat supply from the local industrial company (central heat supply) and electricity supply. Natural gas consumption is marginal. The town of Žďár nad Sázavou is already preparing and selecting energy saving measures based on the SECAP, which aim at reduced consumption, costs and therefore reduced CO2 production.
Kick-off meeting in Rīga
Own Your SECAP kick-off! November 3rd and 4th marked the kick-off meeting of Own your SECAP! All partners gathered in Rīga, Latvia for the start of the the project, as hosted by the project coordinators at Ekodoma. During these two days, all eleven OwnYourSECAP partners had spirited conversations to define the overall project work plan. Moreover, the meeting allowed all partners to get acquainted with each other and with all the details of the project, including the partners’ responsibilities. Also, a dedicated workshop to Design Thinking methodology was organized by the partner Euroverticé. It allowed the partners to work together and better understand how they were going to apply the design thinking approach all along the project. Altogether, it promises a very fruitful project, as witnessed by the partners’ relentless work, along with the intense discussions on how to make OwnYourSECAP as impactful as possible. Kick-off meeting sneak-peek