
Own your climate action

About the project

So far, most communities have prepared their SEAPs and SECAPs with external assistance and are not directly involved in the preparation process, and ultimately do not feel “ownership” of the plan. This strongly influences the implementation of the SECAP later on. At the same time, there are leading and experienced communities in energy and climate planning, but their number is still too small and more efforts need to be made to bring other municipalities up to their level, especially small and medium-sized ones. Furthermore, one of the most important barriers identified by all communities is the lack of an energy manager.

To address these issues, Own Your SECAP builds on the resources developed in previous projects, such as the 50000&1 SEAPs working on the topics of energy management and action plan standards, and the Compete4SECAP project which organised municipal energy saving competitions.

The national partner

Tipperary Energy Agency is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. We operate as a social enterprise and our work is funded through the provision of innovative engineering services, education and advice and supported by grant aid from national and European Partners. Our goal is to deliver the energy transition at scale in Ireland through innovation and world class project delivery across the country. We bridge the gap between climate targets and real-world results by taking the engineering & financial actions necessary to deliver on Ireland’s Climate Action Plan.

The Irish cities

When available, sections on energy and climate in the municipal webpages can be accessed by clicking on the local authority logo.

Tipperary County Council

Tipperary County Council is the local authority for the county of Tipperary, Ireland. In 2022, the population of Tipperary was 167,661 people. Tipperary is located in Ireland’s province of Munster, and is a landlocked rural county that’s home to mountains, rivers, lakes and farmland.

Mayo County Council

Mayo County Council is at the heart of local community and is a key provider of economic and social development in Mayo. As the democratic leader of the County, we represent the people while delivering vital local services which are central to the quality of life of everybody who lives in, works in and visits Mayo. As the leading public sector body in Mayo, Mayo County Council also support and facilitate other stakeholders who are responsible for key public services. When we deliver our responsibilities, others can deliver their obligations as well. The Council is central to making Mayo, sustainable, inclusive, prosperous and proud.

Galway City Council

Galway City Council is the local authority for the city of Galway, Ireland. Galway City Council, as a local authority, performs two roles: Representational Role and Operational/Executive Role. The Representational Role is performed directly by the elected members of the Council. The Operational/Executive Role is performed by the Council staff, under the leadership of the City Manager and The Management Team with responsibility for a range of services.

Donegal County Council

Donegal County Council is the local authority for the county of Donegal, Ireland. In 2022, the population of Donegal was 166,321. Located in the northwest corner of Ireland, Donegal is the island’s northernmost county. In terms of size and area, it is the largest county in Ulster and the fourth-largest county in all of Ireland.



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Life funding instrument for the environment and climate action under grant agreement no 101077109. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the OwnYourSECAP project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

The project
