Project resources

  •  WP2: Towards systematic implementation of SECAPs

D2.1. List of target municipalities and selected measures 

D2.2. Lessons learned from implementing SECAP measures

D2.3 Guidelines on systematic implementation of SECAP measures (coming soon) 

  • WP3:  Institutionalising through SECAPs and EnMS

D3.1. List of SECAPs and EnMS introduced

D3.2. Institutionalising climate adaptation: results from the initial phase (coming soon) 

D3.3 Tools for institutionalising climate adaptation

D3.4 Final lessons learned from implementing SECAP measures (coming soon) 

  • WP4: Towards Owning Your SECAP: sharing and expanding knowledge and competencies

D4.1. Sharing and expanding knowledge: towards Owning Your SECAP (coming soon) 

D4.2. Climate-mainstreaming in municipal budgets: lessons learned (coming soon) 

  • WP5: Dissemination and communication
  • WP6: Sustainability, replication, and exploitation of project results

D6.1. Replicating OwnYourSECAP approach in other municipalities: results and lessons learned (coming soon) 

D6.2. OwnYourSECAP sustainability strategy (coming soon) 

D6.3 Final public project report (coming soon) 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Life funding instrument for the environment and climate action under grant agreement no 101077109. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the OwnYourSECAP project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

The project
