Resources for financing

The Convenant of Mayors website offers a comprehensive overview on financing opportunities. 

Michaël TOMA of MT Partenaires ingénierie presented, during the international P2P Worshop in Prague in April 2024, the essential elements of mainstreaming climate budgets from the definition to the different possibilities : green public procurement, divesting municipal funds from fossil, financing climate actions and environmental reporting and budgeting.

  • Publications from the H2020 Compete4SECAP project on financing opportunities 

EIB funds – supporting investments in energy efficiency​

Cohesion fund (CF)
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
European Social Fund (ESF)

Energy Performance Contracting​

Coporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ​

Energy Cooperatives​

Crowdfunding and microloans​

On bill financing

Revolving loan Fund (RLF)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Life funding instrument for the environment and climate action under grant agreement no 101077109. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the OwnYourSECAP project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

The project
