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Monitoring climate change adaptation with the Energy monitoring platform module

In recent years, municipalities have been actively developing Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP) or Climate Plans, which also include a section on climate change adaptation. Usually, this section provides information on the current situation and the sectors most threatened by climate risks. SECAP also includes the measures that the municipality has identified to increase the resilience and adaptation capacities of the municipality.

Within the OwnYourSECAP project, Ekodoma has extended the Energy Monitoring Platform (more about the platform: www.energoplanosana.lv and why we made it: https://energoplanosana.lv/en/par-platformu/) with a new module – Monitoring Climate Change Adaptation (hereafter – Climate Module) to enable municipalities to start and implement monitoring of climate indicators and adaptation actions.

This document provides general guidelines and main steps how to use Climate Module

Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans and Energy Management Systems: Implementation in Municipalities

Institutionalising climate adaptation in municipalities: results from the interviews

In this report, the OwnYourSECAP consortium presents the outcomes of institutionalizing climate adaptation, a result of collaborative efforts involving 21 expert municipalities representing 11 different countries. These municipalities played a pivotal role in sharing valuable insights into climate adaptation strategies within the framework of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) development.

Website and national platforms

As part of the LIFE CET OwnYourSECAP project, the communication and dissemination activities were aimed at creating a website dedicated to the project and setting up 11 national energy platforms. The aim of this deliverable is therefore to explain the website’s objectives and features, in particular by comparing them with the communication objectives. It also contains several screenshots of the website and the 11 national platforms.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Life funding instrument for the environment and climate action under grant agreement no 101077109. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the OwnYourSECAP project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

The project

