Resources for SECAP

Video on the importance of SECAPs

By implementing a SECAP, local governments aim to contribute to the EU’s goal of reducing emissions by at least 55% by 2030, aligning with broader climate targets. This video was created by the OwnYourSECAP LIFE CET project partners in order to present the project and the importance of implementing a SECAP.

Tool for the identification of SECAP measures

To date, most municipalities develop their SECAPs with the help of consultants, and municipal staff are often not directly involved in the plan development process. As a result, municipalities do not feel that they “own” the plan,, influencing the subsequent implementation of the measures included in the Energy and Climate Action Plan. There are a number of experienced municipalities in the field of energy and climate planning, but their number is too small and more efforts are needed to bring other municipalities, in particular small and medium-sized municipalities, up to the same level. 

The OwnYourSECAP project therefore aims to provide the necessary support and tools to municipalities in Europe to enable them to systematically plan and implement the measures included in their municipal energy and climate plans. 

The purpose of this tool is to support the identification and evaluation of the different actions included in the energy and climate action plans of municipalities. By assessing and comparing the different measures, the municipality will be able to choose more easily which ones to start implementing. 

Describing the selected SECAP measures

The project OwnYourSECAP is aiming to support municipalities throughout Europe that are aiming to address climate mitigation, as well as policies and measures on climate adaption and energy poverty. To meet the EU’s ambitious target of carbon neutrality, as well as to increase a municipality’s resilience against the impacts of climate change, while tackling other issues of relevance (e.g., decreasing vulnerabilities/risks/hazards), it is essential to establish a sustainable energy and climate action plan (SECAP).

By encouraging the exchange of knowledge and lessons learned with experienced municipalities from the same countries, the project will help to identify common obstacles and provide support from the very beginning, thus avoid complications as well as maladaptation. As local authorities oversee the planning process themselves, the developed plans will feel as their own and will address what is relevant and aimed for, which strengthens local commitment and the prospect of successful and satisfactory implementation.

The purpose of this template is to provide a structured approach to define the selected SECAP measures in more detail, including quantitative objectives, responsibilities, indicators, etc.

Lessons learned from implementing SECAP measures

For the Deliverable 2.2 the key lessons learned were summarized  from the implementation of SECAP measures in 11 European countries. In order to get a comprehensive picture, we also look at the preparation of SECAP measures which has a direct impact on implementation of measures. Therefore, we cover the entire development process – from the preparation phase to the completion of the implementation of SECAP measures.

SECAP template

As part of the project, a template for the development of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) has been created. This template serves as a practical tool that facilitates the process of designing and implementing SECAPs, providing clear guidance to ensure their effective elaboration.

SECAP action template

Internal audit template

This template for an initial internal audit will allow assessing how municipalities have been implementing actions from their SECAPs during the last 2-3 years and evaluate where municipalities stand in terms of existing energy & climate action plans and policies, as well as the required competences, data acquisition and management. It shall convey a first overview of what are the strengths and barriers (organisational, financial, political etc.) in the municipalities to implement SECAP measures systematically.

SECAP journal

This is our initial vision for the SECAP/EnMS journal, featuring key sections that we consider crucial for assessing planned and/or implemented actions. The information volume is intentionally kept small to ensure that monitoring remains manageable, and users are encouraged to regularly return to this file and update it. We have also provided examples for  2025 to demonstrate how to fill in the sections effectively.

Each user can customize the log to suit their specific needs. We would greatly appreciate your feedback on the tool’s effectiveness, functionality, and suggestions for improvement. Please feel free to share your thoughts by writing to

Strengthening Municipal Capacity for Climate Adaptation: Tools for Systematic Integration

Institutionalisation refers to embedding a practice, behaviour, or system into the regular functioning of an organisation or society, ensuring it becomes a stable and accepted norm. This is essential for achieving the long-term and sustainable integration of new initiatives. Although awareness of climate adaptation is increasing, there are still several unresolved challenges. The OwnYourSECAP project, in collaboration with municipalities from 11 countries, has tested various tools and methodologies to address these challenges, fostering smoother institutionalisation of climate adaptation. This report presents the main outcomes of our efforts to prepare and test tools and approaches that facilitate the smoother institutionalisation of climate adaptation in municipalities.

Institutionalising climate adaptation in municipalities: results from the interviews

In this report, the OwnYourSECAP consortium presents the outcomes of institutionalizing climate adaptation, a result of collaborative efforts involving 21 expert municipalities representing 11 different countries. These municipalities played a pivotal role in sharing valuable insights into climate adaptation strategies within the framework of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) development.

Feedback from local authorities in Europe

Click on the titles to open the presentations.

Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans and Energy Management Systems: Implementation in Municipalities

Abano Terme is the most important spa center in Europe, located in a position at the foot of the Euganean Hills in the Province of Padua,Veneto Region. The municipality since 2005 has been committed to the preservation and enhancement of the municipal territory through constant monitoring of its own activities (direct) and those of the territory (indirect). Since 2005 Abano Terme has been EMAS-certified, in 2015 it was equipped with a SEAP, in 2020 Abano Terme was certified ISO 50001, and in 2021 the City was equipped with its own SEAP.

The municipality of Lorquí is located in the heart of the Region of Murcia, on the right bank of the Segura River. The municipality covers an area of 15.8 km2, a territory with an abundance of orchards with fruit trees, as well as areas dedicated to the cultivation of vegetables. It has a total population of 7,246 inhabitants.

The micro-region of Tolštejn is one of the poorest in the Czech Republic. Covering an area of 108 km2, it has around 20,000 inhabitants, 2 towns and 5 villages. The 7 municipalities (Dolní Podluží, Doubice, Horní Podluží, Chřibská,Jiřetín pod Jedlovou, Rybniště, Varnsdorf) have joined forces to draw up a joint SECAP.

Tipperary County Council is the local authority for the county of Tipperary, Ireland. In 2022, the population of Tipperary was 167,661 people. Tipperary is located in Ireland’s province of Munster, and is a landlocked rural county that’s home to mountains, rivers, lakes and farmland.

Located in the Municipality of Cascais, a leading municipality in the definition of a Municipal Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality, Cascais Smart Pole by Nova SBE lead the generation of change makers influencing people and all stakeholders on the path of innovation combined with carbon neutrality.

The concept is based on a physical and a virtual space, providing people with a space for experimentation that aims to be a reference for the whole municipality and for other cities. The management of the living lab is a collaboration between private and public entities (Private and Public Partnership for PEOPLE).

With a duration of 36 months, the project is being developed through interconnected activities. The ambition to achieve carbon neutrality with the contribution of all stakeholders is the driver of this living lab.

For more informations :

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Life funding instrument for the environment and climate action under grant agreement no 101077109. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the OwnYourSECAP project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

The project
