Own Your
SECAP Sustainable Energy Climate Action Plan

Bringing Local and Regional municipalities towards owning their Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan – SECAP


11 partners,
11 countries

The aim of our project is to directly engage municipalities to develop or upgrade their Sustainable Energy Climate Action Plan – SECAP with ambitious targets of climate neutrality in 2050 and highlighting measures that have double (mitigation and adaptation) and triple effects (mitigation, adaptation, and energy poverty) 

Own Your SECAP in a nutshell

Implement a SECAP

The OwnYourSECAP project aims at assisting small and medium-sized target and replication municipalities in development and/or update of their clean energy transition plans (SECAP) and in the creation of detailed implementation plans of SECAP measures with (more) ambitious targets towards climate neutrality.

Energy planning

The project promotes adoption and institutionalizing of integrated energy planning in municipalities with clear governance structures, strong political commitment towards climate neutrality and holistic planning and sectoral integration.

Innovative approach

Moreover, the project aims at introducing innovative processes in municipalities by focussing on climate-mainstreaming in municipal budgets and using a design thinking approach in direct engagement of different stakeholders to reach the ambitious target of climate neutrality and clean energy transition.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Life funding instrument for the environment and climate action under grant agreement no 101077109. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the OwnYourSECAP project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

The project

